
  • The proverbial prestige of artists and cultural workers skilfully conceals the nature of work in this field, dominated by unrecognized and unpaid work. Where, until recently, there were stable jobs, atypical forms of work prevail today, and with them a growing reserve army of cheap labor. A neoliberal invention, 'project culture' - quite contrary to the discourse in which it proclaims 'democratization' and 'decentralization' - has profoundly transformed the role of art and culture in society.
  • 17.09.2020.
    The symposium on thinking the future from a labor perspective «Precarious in capitalist culture – Should we continue living like this?» curated by Ivana Vaseva, and organized by Faculty of things that can’t be learned (FR~U), North Macedonia in partnership with Lokomotiva - Centre for New...
  • 16.06.2020.
    Interactive Webinar
    Connecting resistances
    Routes of Solidarity. The EUropean border regime, the Balkans & connecting resistances Interactive webinar Monday, 22 June 6-8pm CET (7-9pm Greece) 2020. With inputs by Nidžara Ahmetašević, independent researcher and journalist / BiH, Andrej Kurnik, University of Ljubljana /...
    Tags: Migracija
  • by Ana Veselinović
    Contrary to the overall atmosphere during the election campaign, which many have characterised as anemic, impotent and utterly boring, the participation in this year´s elections increased almost by 5% and reached nearly 30% of the electorate (in 2014: 25,24%, 2013: 20,83%).
  • by Luka Matić
    On Sunday, 26th of May, Slovenia voted for its MEPs for the fourth time since they became the first former Yugoslav Republic to join the EU on 1st of May 2004. At the same time, this is the second time that a contestant in the elections was a party which is a member of the Party of the...
  • Challenges and hopes during political reconstruction
    The collapse of the socialist bloc during the early 1990s not only wiped entire political systems off the map. The organizational structures, the cultural traditions of the socialist and communist labour movement, the concept of solidarity, the socialist project and its conceptions of society were all exposed to a process of decline that only gradually slowed and finally came to a halt in the early 21st century.
  • Feminist Class Politics - Exchanging Theory And Practice | Belgrade | September 30th - October 4th
    The massive women's strikes and marches, which have taken place all over the world in recent years, have incited new forms of social movements. The immense scale of women’s mobilisations, with their constitutive class, antiracist and LGBT+ dimensions, were developed in response to post-crisis measures that exacerbated the lives of many, tightening restrictions on reproductive rights, as well as leading to the rise of the far and populist right. These struggles have opened up space for reflection on and the reorganization of left feminist politics.
  • An Assessment by Fritz Burschel
    It is finished. But then again – not quite. Finally, after 438 trial days spanning over five years, the 6th Senate of the Munich High District Court – the state security senate – has issued its long-awaited verdict in the NSU («National Socialist Underground») trial.
    Tags: Politika
  • 09.01.2018.
    Beograd, Dom sindikata
    Some remarks on the conference: «For Labour Rights»
    «FOR LABOUR RIGHTS! – Trans-National Solidarity, Commons and Perspectives on Organising» – was the programmatic title of a conference held in Belgrade, organised from 27-29 October by the Belgrade office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. It brought together trade unionists, members of left civil society organisations, social researchers and leftist activists from Europe, Asia and USA to discuss labour struggles and strategies within the wider context of «Global Social Rights».
  • 24.10.2017.
    Dom sindikata / Hotel Palace, Belgrade, Serbia
    Trans-National Solidarity, Commons and Perspectives on Organising
    With the aim of tackling problems situating labour rights in the broader context of social rights, the Belgrade office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is organising a conference on the topic of how to organise labour in times of deindustrialisation, the advanced de-organisation of the labour-movement and an ongoing fragmentation and precarisation of working conditions – not only in the region of the so-called «periphery economies» in Southeast Europe, but across the globe.
  • The Safe Countries of Origin Legislation and the Consequences for Roma Migrants
    The discussions against Safe Countries of Origin concept and the repressive migration policies introduced into German legislation, continued throughout events in seven cities in Northern and Eastern Germany (Hannover, Bremen, Hamburg, Kiel, Erfurt, Potsdam and Berlin) within the speakers tour »Not Safe at All« between 14th and 23rd of February.