Guidelines for Reporting, Advocacy and Strategic Litigation
The guidelines aim to improve documenting of and reporting on harmful border practices and human rights violations committed at the border between Serbia and Croatia.
Austerity Measures and Gender Equality in Slovenia
The study »The Legacy of Socialism after Neoliberal Crisis: Austerity Measures and Gender Equality in Slovenia« is a reflection on and an analysis of the consequences austerity measures had for the lives of women and for gender equality in Slovenia after the economic crises in 2008.
Kao i u slučaju ranijih brojeva, temat ovog broja 3k nadovezuje na tematski fokus aktivnosti CRS-a iz prethodnog ciklusa: seminar Nationalism, Populism, and the New Right, održan 18. i 19. studenog 2017. u Zagrebu, i dva predavanja održana 24. studenog.
«Bulgaria is very bad» ist eine typische Aussage jener, die auf ihrer Flucht bereits etliche Länder durchquert haben. Der vorliegende Bericht geht der Frage nach, warum Bulgarien seit Langem einen extrem schlechten Ruf unter den Geflüchteten genießt.
Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Border Regime
Examining migration movements, policies, public discourses and struggles in the Balkans between the summer of migration in 2015 and the pandemic crisis in 2020, this study provides an analysis of the impact of the EUropean border and migration regime in the region, which has become a buffer zone for people on the move.
Nakon što su socijaldemokratske partije diljem Europe okrenule leđa svojoj tradicionalnoj masovnoj bazi, odnosno radničkoj klasi, te prihvatile većinu centrističkih socioekonomskih politika, postupno su izgubile podršku unutar širih narodnih slojeva.
Dok se političke elite niti ne trude koristiti eufemizme za svoje prakse, uglavnom korumpirane zapadnoeuropskim kapitalom, grasroots pokreti i lijevi politički stavovi na parlamentarnim razinama izrazito su rijetki (u ne-EU zemljama), ili gotovo uopće i ne postoje (u zemljama EU).
While political elites do not even use euphemisms for their practices, mostly corrupted by western European capital, grassroots struggles and left political views on parliamentary levels are seldom (in non-EU countries) if not non-existant (in EU countries). Reason for this is a «shock doctrine».