
Building Blocks for the Left

Regional Political Forum on Marxist Theory and Practice in the Southeast Europe
The period after the disappointment from SYRIZA's government and the (re)enacting of the debates on the level of intervention, European or national, that new socialist strategies should concentrate, was ruptured by the ›Brexit‹ with a deeper debate on the very position of the Left towards the European Union.
Berlin, Deutschland

Wohin treibt Südosteuropa?

Autoritäre Regime und der Widerstand der Linken in Kroatien und Mazedonien
Zum Amtsantritt im Jahr 2012 prophezeite der damalige sozialdemokratische Premierminister Zoran Milanović seinen Landsleuten für das Jahr 2015 – es werde in Kroatien eine «bessere und gerechtere Gesellschaft, eine Gesellschaft der Solidarität, der Gleichheit und des Fortschritts» geben. Nicht nur, dass er dieses Ziel nicht erreicht hat – Kroatien...

»Die Ukraine-Folie passt nicht auf Mazedonien«

Tausende Menschen gegen die rechte Regierung in Skopje auf der Straße. Am 5. Juni sollen Wahlen stattfinden, damit würde die Situation weiter eskalieren. Krunoslav Stojaković und Roland Zschächner im Gespräch mit Andrej Hunko
Krunoslav Stojaković und Roland Zschächner im Gespräch mit dem Bundestagsabgeordneten Andrej Hunko (Bundestagsabgeordneter der Linkspartei und Mitglied der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates). Anlass waren die jüngsten Ereignisse in Mazedonien. 
Tags: EU, Politika

Regional Political Forum on Marxist Theory and Practice in the Southeast Europe

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS "Regional Political Forum on Marxist Theory and Practice in the Southeast Europe" - School for Politics and Critique 2016 Date: 24th – 27th June 2016 / Place: Ohrid, Macedonia   The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje, with the support from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation SOE is proud to announce the...


Oder: Ein Gespenst kommt nicht zur Ruhe
Die allgemeine Furcht vor dem Kommunismus hat auch heute nicht nachgelassen. Dazu haben Kommunisten und Kommunistische Parteien, die an die Macht gelangten und die von ihnen errichteten Gesellschaften auf dem Wege zum Kommunismus sehen wollten, wesentlich beigetragen.

Promocija zbornika "Bilans stanja"

Klub studenata Fakulteta političkih znanosti, Centar za politike emancipacije i Baza za radničku inicijativu i demokratizaciju pozivaju vas na promociju zbornika „Bilans stanja – doprinos analizi restauracije kapitalizma u Srbiji“, koja će se održati u srijedu, 23. ožujka 2016. na Fakultetu političkih znanosti u Zagrebu, u 19h u dvorani C. Prema...

Ka artikulaciji političkih interesa romske zajednice

Zajednički fokus objavljenih tekstova je traženje konstruktivnih alternativa sveprisutnim politikama isključivanja pripadnika romske zajednice.

Identities Journal Vol. 12

From Streets to Institutions: Horizontal Democracy and its Transformation into Protest Parties
Volume 12 of the Journal for Gender, Politics and Culture "Identities" - From Streets to Institutions: Horizontal Democracy and its Transformation into Protest Parties.

Open University: Who’s Afraid of Future?

Questions and dilemmas for the Left
In 2015 we organized Open University in Banja Luka on 26-27 September (dedicated to ‘Future’), and in Sarajevo on 26-29 November (under the title ‘Who’s Afraid of…’). This report will not enumerate the topics of 20 round tables, lectures and open discussions, including a literary reading and a theatre show, followed at each event by an audience ranging between 100 to 180 people, nor the names of more than 40 speakers and participants. All these information, together with audio and video recordings, are available on the pages of our web magazine Otvoreni magazine / Open Magazine  (http://otvoreni-magazin.net/). Here we want to concentrate on, in our view, the four major problems (out of many) that were, regardless of concrete discussion topics that ranged from Greek crisis, the Balkans, political economy, Marxism, psychoanalysis, feminism, engaged literature, sexuality, plenums to refugees, constantly addressed by our speakers as well as by the audience. What follows is a presentation (not a summary) of the questions that were asked, the dilemmas that were discussed, and some answers that were offered in relation to these particular four problems.
Tags: Politika

Ko se boji...?

Od 26. do 29. novembra u Sarajevu, nakon dva sarajevska i jednog banjalučkog, Centar za promociju interaktivnog obrazovanja i društvenu akciju (CODA) organizira četvrti Otvoreni univerzitet. Kao i do sada, Otvoreni univerzitet će se odvijati u prostorima SARTR-a, Gabelina 16. Ove godine, dio programa – pod nazivom "Tačno u podne u Muzeju revolucije" –...