
Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities

Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (ISSH) established in 2012 in Skoplje, Macedonia as an academic institute. Dedicated to a politically-oriented analysis of complex political currents in Macedonia conditioned by a European context. ISSH publishes the academic-activist philosophy journal IDENTITIES, which features the writing of outstanding...

Institute for Labor Studies

Institute for Labor Studies  (IDŠ) was established in 2012 by members of the Workers and Punks University. At the moment it includes more than 20 Marxist-inclined students, activists, and researchers. IDS has the mission to rehabilitate a Marxist critique of political economy in the Slovenian academy and public discourse and to establish a socialist...

Institute for Critique and Social Emancipation

Institute for Critique and Social Emancipation (ICSE) was established in 2014 in Tirana, Albania as a non-profit organization. ICSE was founded as support for the political platform „Organized Politics“, developed in 2011 as the result of monthly demonstrations against electoral manipulation in Albania. With the goal of realizing political education...

Center for Labor Studies

Center for Labor Studies  (CRS) was established in 2012 with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. It is dedicated to the theoretical problematization of intellectual and political voids which were opened by 'cleansing' academic spaces and public discussions of all remnants of a Marxist theoretical tradition. CRS hopes to contribute a reaffirmation of...


CriticAtac was formed in 2010 in Bucharest, Romania as a politial and intellectual group. The main activity of the group is the platform LeftEast, which is a daily publication of texts covering a broad thematic scope. The aim of the platform is to offer informative and critical perspectives on current events and to situate itself in the process of...

Center for Politics of Emancipation

Center for Politics of Emancipation (CPE) was established in 2011 in Belgrade. CPE is dedicated to promoting political and economic concepts with the aim of putting an end to the social inequality created as a byproduct of capitalist society. CPE insists on stimulating the struggle for direct democracy in politics and economics with the goal of building a...
Zrenjanin, Srbija

Levi Samit Srbije - Socijalne borbe kao odgovor na neoliberalne politike u regionu i moguće alternative

Izlaganja gostiju iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Mađarske, Bosne i Hercegovine i Makedonije uz diskusiju
Bilten sa detaljnim programom možete pogledati ovde. Program: 10:00h - Upoznavanje s programom dešavanja - Miroslav Samardžić, moderator i Branislav Markuš (LSS - Zrenjanin) 10:30h - 11:30h - Inicijativa za demokratski socijalizam (IDS - Iniciativa za demokratični socializem) i Združena levica (ZL) u Sloveniji - od protestnog...


"Počevši od 2008. godine svetsko tržište je pogođeno ekonomskim potresom, neobičnim po svom obimu, dubini i trajanju. Iako je recesija imala neujednačen uticaj, nijedan kutak globalne ekonomije nije ostao netaknut. Kao i prilikom drugih velikih prekretnica u istoriji kapitalizma, došlo je do pokretanja moćnih sila u cilju restrukturiranja države i ekonomije...

Otimanja poljoprivrednog zemljišta

Poziv poljoprivrednim udruženjima
Pokret za slobodu poziva predstavnike poljoprivrednih udruženja da im se jave ukoliko žele da pomognu u istraživanju o razmerama otimanja poljoprivrednog zemljišta u Srbiji. Proces privatizacije imao je brojne negativne posledice po privredu i najviše štete naneo radnicima i seljacima kojima se oduzima mogućnost da žive od svog rada. Društvena sredstva...
Belgrad, Serbien

Vom Unglück am Rand

Vom 24.10. bis zum 26.10.2014 fand in Belgrad der Workshop "Core and Periphery in the European Union – A New Phenomenon?" statt.
In Zusammenarbeit des RLS Regionalbüros für Südost Europa in Belgrad mit dem Institut für Gesellschafsanalyse der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Berlin wurde dieses vierte EU-Experten-Gespräch organisiert.