Research Paper Series of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe No.1
In autumn 2013, Romania witnessed some of its biggest post-1989 protests. From September to about early December tens of thousands of people took to the streets in major cities of Romania. The reason was the project of an opencast mine in Roșia Montana, a small mining town located in the Apuseni Mountains. In the making for almost 16 years, the project...
Hаблюдения върху всекидневието на представителната демокрация.
Докладът представя резултатите от изследване, проведено между април и юни 2014 г. от Института за критически социални изследвания - София в партньорство със Социален център „Хаспел” / Колектив за обществени интервенции, с подкрепата на фондация "Роза Люксембург".
Temporal, Structural, and Conceptual Transformations of Migrations. Sketches from Bulgaria.
Transition can have many meanings. In the Bulgarian context, and generally in post-socialist contexts, Transition contains in itself the dialectic between a pleasure yet-to-come and the necessary painful path to it. The desired end in sight is often identified with utopian images of what constitutes liberal democracy as entwined in capitalist structures...
Is a peer reviewed international journal that seeks to serve as a platform for the theoretical production of Southeastern Europe and enable its visibility and an opening for international debate with authors from both the "intellectual centers" and the "intellectual margins" of the world.
Čezatlantsko trgovinsko in naložbeno partnerstvo (TTIP) je izčrpen sporazum o prosti trgovini in naložbah, o katerem se trenutno v tajnosti pogajata Evropska unija in Združene države Amerike (ZDA).
The first Balkan Forum took place within the Subversive Festival in Zagreb, in May 2012, and gathered up to 40 progressive organizations and movements from across the post-socialist states of the region.
Kontekst kolektiv i portal Mašina vas pozivaju na panel diskusiju o privatizaciji medija u Srbiji
Kontekst kolektiv i portal Mašina vas pozivaju na panel diskusiju o privatizaciji medija u Srbiji i mogućnostima za alternativno delovanje u medijskom sektoru.
Petak, 27. februar, 18h;
Press centar Udruženja novinara Srbije,
Knez Mihailova 6 / III sprat
O rezultatima dosadašnje privatizacije medija u Srbiji i regionu, o...
Solidarity is an organization established in 2012 and based in Skopje, Macedonia. Solidarity is a progressive organization which is particularly engaged in the fields of social politics, antifascism, and union organizing. It convenes conferences, tribunes, and workshops as well as publishing and connecting with other progressive organizations in Macedonia...
Movement for Freedom was established in 2004 as an independent, non-partisan, and self-organized worker-peasant organization which advocates for greater social rights, the decentralization of government and the economy, and a greater degree of citizen self-management. Movement for Freedom supports, organizes, and connects the struggles of workers and...
Collective for Social Interventions (KOI) represents Social Center Xaspel, which was formed in May 2010 in Sofia as one of the first initiatives of its kind in Bulgaria. It is a platform which offers space for various progressive social, ecological, and political groups from Bulgaria as well as an initiative for free education about social and political...