
School of Politics and Critique

The series of four political workshops under the frames of the "School for Politics and Critique 2015" are conceptual flow from the activities of the "School for Politics and Critique 2014" and they aim at enabling a space both for learning on strategies of enacting large coalitions and action within them, as well as to generate new theoretical knowledge...
Belgrade, Serbia

Thinking Beyond Capitalism

Berlin, Deutschland

Südosteuropa zwischen demokratischem Sozialismus und neoliberaler Sackgasse

Die Linke in Slowenien und Mazedonien
Slowenien ist seit 2004 Mitglied der Europäischen Union. Lange Zeit galt das Land als Musterkandidat und Vorbild, wurde jedoch von der Wirtschaftskrise 2008 genauso hart getroffen, wie die anderen Länder der Region. Die Krise ermöglichte es, dass sozialistische Perspektiven allmählich wieder Gehör in der Gesellschaft finden. Ein neues linkes...


Текстовете в сборника "Критически погледи" към човешките права, издание по проекта на „Нови леви перспективи,“ проблематизират понятия като „човешки права“, „толерантност“, „култура“, „експертиза“, „бежанска криза“, „малцинства“ и „хуманитарна интервенция“.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Implications of TTIP in Southeast Europe

A Two-Day Seminar
Organized by New Left Perspectives in cooperation with Solidary Bulgaria and Friends of the Earth Bulgaria, with the financial support of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe.   Date: April 7-8, Sofia, Bulgaria   Venue: Hotel Hemus / 31 Cherni Vrah Blvd. / Preslav Conference Hall 7th of April 10.00 – 11.00 Introductory talk...
Zrenjanin, Srbija

Ekonomska demokratija i radničko akcionarstvo

Konferencija Zrenjaninskog socijalnog foruma
Autonomne levičarske grupe u Srbiji do sada su pretežno defanzivno delovale, reagovale su na slučajeve pljačkaške privatizacije i kršenja prava radnika. Nije bilo pokušaja da se izradi alternativni program ekonomske politike. Stoga, želimo da razvijemo debatu na kojoj će se raspravljati o tome da li su različiti modeli ekonomske demokratije primenljivi u Srbiji.
Скопје, Македонија

Отварање на Школата за политика и критика 2015 со Алекос Алаванос

Четири политички работилници

Серијата на четири политички работилници во рамките на Школата за политика и критика 2015 се концептуално продолжение на активностите на Школата за политика и критика 2014.

White Wave

White Wave was established in 1997 in Zagreb, Croatia. As one of the first cultural-activist non-governmental organizations in Croatia, White Wave promotes a variety of independent, open, democratic, and pluralist debates. It supports the democratization of society by strengthening the civil sector. White Wave is the main organizer of the annual...


Lenka established in 2008 and based in Skoplje, Macedonia. Lenka is an organization dedicated to the themes of anticapitalism, antinationalism, a critique of militarism, and gender equality. It organizes workshops and publishes books that advocate for united activity in establishing collaboration with other progressive groups from Macedonia. Cooperation...
Zagreb, Hrvatska

Druga konferencija o dobroj ekonomiji

Ekonomija koja podupire kvalitetu života u cijeloj zajednici
Udruga ZMAG i Zadruga za dobru ekonomiju organiziraju 19-21. ožujka, u velikoj dvorani Matice hrvatskih obrtnika, Ilica 49 u Zagrebu, Drugu konferenciju o dobroj ekonomiji.