Newsletter No. 1 - May 2015

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newsletter number: 1 / 13.05.2015
Drage kolegice i kolege,
Dear colleagues,
ovom prilikom primate prvi broj newsletter-a Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe, koji je ujedno i sastavni dio nove internet prezentacije Ovim putem ćemo vas ubuduće redovno obavještavati o novostima vezanim za rad fondacije. Pored najava tribina, seminara, konferencija i radionica, newsletter će vas također informirati o novim publikacijama Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-a i njezinih partnerskih organizacija iz regije – Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Kosova, Makedonije, Rumunjske, Slovenije i Srbije. 
Please find enclosed the first edition of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe newsletter, which is also an integral part of the new website This is the manner in which we will regularly inform you about news connected with the work of the foundation. In addition to announcing  tribunes, seminars, conferences, and workshops, the newsletter will likewise inform about new publications of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and its partner organizations in the region – Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, and Serbia.
Nova web stranica donosi mnoštvo funkcionalnih novina. Pružajući mogućnost partnerskim organizacijama iz cijelog regiona objavljivanje sadržaja na maternjem jeziku, jezična cjelina ALL će prikazivati sve članke objavljene na web stranici. Jezične opcije BHS, EN i DE omogućuju prikazivanje sadržaja na bosanskom-hrvatskom-srpskom, engleskom te njemačkom jeziku. Web stranica je podjeljena na četiri glavne cjeline: Kalendar, Aktuelno, Publikacije i Video. 
The new website provides a great deal of practical information. In giving the opportunity for partner organizations from all over the region to publish content in their mother languages, clicking the button ALL will show every article already published on the website. The language options BHS, EN, and DE enable the presentation of this content in either Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian, English, or German. The website is divided into four main sections: Calendar, News, Publications, and Video.   
Kalendar sadrži informacije o terminima i mjestima održavanja programa dolazećih događaja.
The section Calendar contains information on the times, dates, and places for upcoming programs and events.
Aktuelno nudi opširnije informacije o najavljenim događajima, ali i izvještaje s proteklih tribina, seminara, konferencija i radionica. 
The section News offers further information about announced events, also offering reports from past tribunes, seminars, conferences, and workshops. 
Odjeljak Publikacije predstavlja zbirno mjesto gdje možete preuzeti sva do sada objavljena izdanja Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-a i najveći broj onih koja su nastala u uredništvu njezinih partnerskih organizacija. 
The section Publications presents a summary where you can access all of the published editions of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and a great number of publications from partner organizations.
Video je cjelina na kojoj posjetitelji i posjetiteljke web stranice mogu pogledati video zapise događaja nastalih tokom dugogodišnjeg rada Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-a i njezinih partnerskih organizacija.
The Video section allows online visitors to watch video recordings of various events from the extensive work of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and its partner organizations.  
Rubrika Newsfeed na dnevnoj razini nudi izabrane vijesti i analize koji prate dešavanja u regionu jugoistočne Europe.
The Newsfeed section offers selected daily reports and analysis which follows events in the region of Southeastern Europe. 
Uz funkciju „pretraga“,  čitateljkama i čitateljima omogućeno je lakše navigiranje sadržajima sajta prema ključnim rečima – tagovima.
The Search function enables readers to easily navigate the contents of the website using keywords and tags.
Rubrike O nama i Rosa Luxemburg pružaju osnovne informacije o fondaciji i njemačko-poljskoj revolucionarki i teoretičarki Rosi Luxemburg, po kojoj fondacija nosi ime.
The sections About Us and Rosa Luxemburg offer basic information about the foundation and the German-Polish revolutionary and theoretician Rosa Luxemburg, who the foundation is named after. 
U sekciji Partnerske organizacije dati su kratki opisi većine organizacija s kojima je Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe ostvarila ili sa kojima i dalje ostvaruje suradnju.
The section Partner Organizations provides short descriptions of the many organizations  Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe has cooperated with in the past or continues to collaborate with. 
Pored glavnog sadržaja vezanog uz političko-edukativne djelatnosti Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-a, na stranici će se također objavljivati informacije administrativno-tehničkog karaktera. Informacije o rokovima prijava projekata uz prateće obrasce potražite u rubrici Prijava za projekte, a sve ostale novosti vezane za najave, pozive i konkurse ubuduće će se objavljivati u rubrici Obaveštenja.
In addition to the main contents connected with the political-educational works of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung , one will also find pages with information of an administrative-technical character. Information about deadlines for project applications along with supporting materials can be found in the section Project Applications, while all other news connected with invitations to apply for competitions and related items will be published in the section Announcements
Svim našim posjetiteljima i posjetiteljkama želimo ugodan boravak na novoj web stranici!
We wish all of our visitors a great experience with the new website!
Vaša Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe.

Your Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe.

Sisak, Hrvatska | Zelena mreža aktivističkih grupa
Fine niti lokalnog razvoja
Forum za prehrambeni suverenitet
​Zelena mreža aktivističkih grupa vas poziva na novo, četvrto po redu izdanje Foruma za prehrambeni suverenitet 13. i 14. svibnja 2015 u Sisku. Posebnost ovogodišnjeg foruma, a ujedno i razlog za ovaj proljetni termin je posjet gošće dr. Vandane Shive, svjetski poznate aktivistice...
13.05.2015. | Sofia, Bulgaria | Kolektiv za društvenu intervenciju
Implications of TTIP in Southeast Europe
A seminar entitled "Implications of TTIP in Southeast Europe" took place on the 07 - 08 April 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria. It brought together activists and engaged researchers who campaign against TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership).
13.05.2015. | Zagreb, Kroatien | BLOK - Lokalna baza za osvježavanje kulture
Kartografie des Widerstands
Zum 70. Jahrestag der Befreiung Zagrebs vom Faschismus
Am 8. Mai 1945, nach über vierjähriger nationalsozialistischer Okkupation und faschistischer Herrschaft des Ustaša-Regimes unter Führung von Ante Pavelić, marschierten in den frühen Mittagsstunden die ersten Partisaneneinheiten in Zagreb ein. Es war das Signal zur Befreiung einer Stadt, die sich wie kaum eine andere gegen das faschistische Repressionsregime gewehrt hatte, zugleich aber das administrativ-politische Zentrum des Ustaša-Regimes darstellte und ein wichtiger logistischer Knotenpunkt des nationalsozialistischen Besatzungssystems in Südosteuropa war.
preuzmite flajer
02.05.2015. | Zrenjanin, Srbija | Zrenjaninski socijalni forum
Antikapitalistički skupovi u Zrenjaninu i Beogradu
Levi samit Srbije obeležio 1. maj - Međunarodni praznik rada
Levi samit Srbije organizovao je danas u Zrenjaninu i Beogradu protestne skupove levičarskih organizacija iz cele Srbije povodom Međunarodnog praznika rada.
21.04.2015. | Kolektiv za društvenu intervenciju
Cъставител: Георги Медаров
Нови леви перспективи, София, 2014.
Текстовете в сборника "Критически погледи" към човешките права, издание по проекта на „Нови леви перспективи,“ проблематизират понятия като „човешки права“, „толерантност“, „култура“, „експертиза“, „бежанска криза“, „малцинства“ и „хуманитарна интервенция“.
preuzmite publikaciju
06.03.2015. | Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Author: Florin Poenaru
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Belgrade, 2014.
In autumn 2013, Romania witnessed some of its biggest post-1989 protests. From September to about early December tens of thousands of people took to the streets in major cities of Romania. The reason was the project of an opencast mine in Roșia Montana, a small mining town located in the Apuseni Mountains. In the making for almost 16 years, the project...
preuzmite publikaciju
06.03.2015. | Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Author: Lev Centrih
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Belgrade, 2014.
The League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY) was the dominant political force in socialist Yugoslavia. It collapsed after its 14th extraordinary congress, which took place in Belgrade from 20 to 22 January 1990. Its local branches, organized on the level of the federal republics, were soon renamed into social democratic, socialist or refoundation...
preuzmite publikaciju
26.02.2015. | Kolektiv za društvenu intervenciju
Кураторка и съставителка: Стефка Цанева
Collective for Social Interventions, Sofia, 2014.
Концепцията „Манифестации на личното” за тазгодишното издание на София Куиър Форум дойде до голяма степен от панелната дискусия „Политика - Арт - Джендър”, инициирана по повод първото издание на форума през 2012 г. и публикувана в онлайн списанието Блистер.
preuzmite publikaciju
26.02.2015. | Kolektiv za društvenu intervenciju
Curator and Editor: Stefka Tsaneva
Collective for Social Interventions, Sofia, 2014.
The concept of this year’s Sofia Queer Forum, Manifestations of the Personal, results mainly from the “Politics - Art - Gender” panel discussion1 initiated after the forum’s first edition in 2012 which was published in the online magazine for art and criticism Blister. A contentious issue that arose in this discussion was that sexuality and sexual...
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26.02.2015. | Kolektiv za društvenu intervenciju
Editors: Raia Apostolova, Neda Deneva, Tsvetelina Hristova
Collective for Social Interventions, Sofia, 2014.
Transition can have many meanings. In the Bulgarian context, and generally in post-socialist contexts, Transition contains in itself the dialectic between a pleasure yet-to-come and the necessary painful path to it. The desired end in sight is often identified with utopian images of what constitutes liberal democracy as entwined in capitalist structures...
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26.02.2015. | Kolektiv za društvenu intervenciju
Editors: Georgi Medarov, Jana Tsoneva
Collective for Social Interventions, Sofia, 2014.
This study investigates the evolution of liberal justifications for austerity in Bulgaria as evidenced by articles appearing in the weekly newspaper Capital during the 18 years between 1997 and 2014, inclusive. Capital, as its title suggests, is the flagman of the Bulgarian pro-business press. It is part of Economedia, a publishing house owning popular...
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26.02.2015. | Solidarnost
Автор: Марија Башевска
Левичарско движење Солидарност, Скопје, 2014.
Растот на невработеноста, сиромаштијата и продлабочувањето на нееднаквоста ги погодија речиси сите земји во светот, но посебно силно се одразија кај земјите во развој и земјите од југот на Европската Унија (ЕУ) кај кои се наметнаа силните мерки на штедење.
preuzmite publikaciju
26.02.2015. | Institut za društvene znanosti i humanistiku
Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje, 2015.
IDENTITIES is a peer reviewed international journal that seeks to serve as a platform for the theoretical production of Southeastern Europe and enable its visibility and an opening for international debate with authors from both the "intellectual centers" and the "intellectual margins" of the world.
preuzmite publikaciju
25.02.2015. | Forum za primenjenu istoriju
Author: Milovan Pisarri
Forum for Applied History, Belgrade, 2014.
Genocide against the Roma is a historical phenomenon which encompasses the period from 1934 to 1945, i.e. the period from introduction of first anti-Roma measures in Nazi Germany up until the end of World War II.
preuzmite publikaciju