Fine Threads of Local Development

"Companies that brought us the poisons are trying to make us believe that without them we would not be able to produce enough food. They want us to forget that all of us can save seeds, that we all can grow our food – no we will not forget!" said dr. Vandana Shiva on 4th food sovereignty forum in Croatia: Fine threads of local development, Sisak 2015. That sentence could be signed by many initiatives and farmers from all over Croatia and neighboring Slovenia that came to meet dr.Shiva and share their products and ideas. In two days forum was telling a story about main resources that we need to grow food - traditional varieties and breeds and the fertile soil. Besides message of dr. Shiva, on the first day there was a fair of organic and small scale farmers in the city park, seed swap and the opening of photography exhibition by local amateur photographer, activist and seed saver Andrea Shipush. Forum was also an opportunity to promote a new book of traditional varieties in Dalmatian coast. The next day, after four interesting presentations about soil management, preserving traditional breeds on common pasture as it was tradition in Croatia, and presentation on Anti TTIP campaign, the group of participants from different food sovereignty initiatives worked on their plans for joining the fortnight of action for seed freedom.
Sisak is an industrial town in Central Croatia that was very prosperous in the times of ex Jugoslavia together with its rural surroundings. But after the civil war (1991-1995) and privatization that came after it, the whole region was destroyed, factories closed and many people left unemployed and with the deep scars that war leaves to individual as well as the local communities. Despite all that, natural potentials of that area allows it to be the one among counties in Croatia with the biggest number of organic growers – professional small scale organic farmers as well as traditional producers and home gardeners. The organization of Forum was leaded by NGO Green network of activist groups but the local host was Citizen Initiative “Seed” together with Public library “Vlado Gotovac”. For many years initiative is gathering as a group of local producers and gardeners in a public library that gives them the great support. On regular bases they organize lectures, workshops, presentation of local farms and of course seed swaps. As the library administration sees it, the library should be the place of gathering and sharing the knowledge and information. So, in order to help them, they are working on establishing catalogue with offer and demand of local seeds and products. In Croatia there are also several other initiatives of seed savers organizations and informal groups that are working on protecting traditional varieties and developing diversity of our crops. Most of them came from the North Croatia such as Duga and Bio Garden in Cakovec, Living Earth in Nova Gradiska, Gredica and Hajdina in Varazdin, Life in Ludbreg, and so on. They are gathering seed savers, enthusiasts and organizing workshops and seed swaps.