The dismantlement of the Syrian chemical armaments, furthered by the US and Russian governments, found in the Albanian government, led by the Third-wayist social-democrat Edi Rama, its favored "partner" in leasing the Albanian territory to such a complicated and risky project. The current Albanian government, in the same habit of all previous Albanian governments being servile to superpower influences, especially the US, in the first days yielded to the US pressure and seemed to accept turning Albania in the sole toxic garbage can of Europe. Fearing this process’ devastating ecological and economical outcomes, and offended by the neocolonial attitude of the US government, represented by the US Ambassador in Tirana, a large movement erupted spontaneously from November 12 to November 15, 2013. Self-organized groups, political activists etc gave way to a grass root movement, which countered for days the Albanian government’s and US plan, and occupied for two days in a row the main square in front of the government’s building. On November 15, in a speech full of servile idolatry to the US foreign policy, the Albanian Prime Minister yielded to the mounting pressure of the people and decided, reluctantly, to publicly say NO to the US proposal. The declaration-analysis below was written by Organizata Politike, a radical leftist political organization in Albania, which took part in the movement.